Johar v. College of Veterinarians of British Columbia

NST successfully represented the College of Veterinarians of BC in an application to strike out claims by certain College registrants on the basis that the claims were an abuse of process and bound to fail on various grounds. Mr. Justice Harvey wrote detailed reasons addressing the complex factual and legal issues and struck all the claims advanced against the College, while also finding that some of the claims were a nullity as they had been brought without leave.

The College applied to strike the claims on the basis they were bound to fail, were vexatious and an abuse of process, and disclosed no genuine issue for trial because they did not address all elements of the claims or were statute-barred. While the application was outstanding, the plaintiffs delivered an amended notice of civil claim and sought retroactive leave to bring certain of the claims. Both the original and existing claims concerned events going back to the early 2000s and the College submitted that the subject-matter of the claims had already been litigated in both the courts and the BC Human Rights Tribunal over a period of approximately 10 years. With only a few exceptions, Harvey J. agreed with the College’s submissions, finding variously that the claims (even as amended) were: duplicative of numerous earlier proceedings, some of which remained ongoing; were a collateral attack on existing court orders; were brought in the wrong forum; failed to plead the necessary elements of the claim, or were for a type of claim not available against the College; or, were barred by the expiry of limitation periods.

Harvey J. further clarified and confirmed the requirements for actions based on malicious prosecution and misfeasance in public office, with regard to the availability of those causes against a regulatory body like the College. He also rejected an argument by the plaintiffs that their claims were discoverable only upon release of the HRT decision, noting that the “HRT is not a testing ground for the merits of a civil claim.”

The College was also successful in obtaining a vexatious litigant order, which means the plaintiffs will require leave of the court to commence any further proceedings.

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