Hodgson v. Musqueam

NST successfully acted for multiple leaseholders in a dispute about significant rent increases.

As lead counsel for 69 leaseholders on the Musqueam Indian Reserve No. 2, NST contested notices of rent increase issued by the Musqueam Indian Band (MIB). The MIB sought annual rents averaging $80,000 – amounts that would have put many leaseholders out of their homes. The Plaintiffs were successful at trial, at which the Federal Court of Canada set a median fair rent for all lots at $24,152. Costs of $900,000 were negotiated and collected for the Plaintiffs

NST Lawyers Involved

R.J. Randall Hordo, K.C., FCIArb.

R.J. Randall Hordo, K.C., FCIArb.

Associate Counsel

604.639.3666 / 604.649.3994